Affiliated Centers and Cores
Center For AIDS Research (CFAR)
The Providence/Boston Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) is one of 19 NIH-funded centers that provide administrative and research support for initiating, enhancing and innovating in HIV/AIDS research. Faculty at the Center for Statistical Sciences lead and participate in the Biostatistics Core, which is jointly operated with faculty from Boston University School of Public Health. Expertise of the core faculty includes, among other areas, analysis of observational data, study of social and sexual networks, modeling of disease dynamics, combining and integrating data from multiple sources, analysis of genomic and molecular-level data (e.g. to understand treatment resistance), and design and analysis of intervention trials and screening studies. The core organizes 1-2 research workshops per year on timely topics at the intersection of HIV and biostatistics. The core also provides advice on construction and management of new databases.
Core faculty are available to collaborate and consult on a wide range of projects and activities related to HIV, including new grant proposals, pilot studies, and use of specific statistical or data analytic methods. All members of the Brown and Boston University research communities are welcome to access the core, with priority is given to junior investigators. The core is led by Professor Joseph Hogan (co-director at Brown University) and Professor Debbie Cheng (co-director at Boston University).
Joseph W. Hogan
Chair of Biostatistics (on sabbatical), Carole and Lawrence Sivorich Professor of Public Health, Professor of Biostatistics -
Tao Liu
Professor of Biostatistics
Clinical and Translational Research (Advance-CTR)
Advance Clinical and Translational Research (Advance-CTR) is an NIH funded partnership between Brown University, The University of Rhode Island, Care New England, Lifespan, the Providence VA Medical Center, and the Rhode Island Quality Institute that serves as a central hub to support and educate clinical and translational researchers in Rhode Island by providing funding, research resources and services, and professional development opportunities particularly to young researchers. Prof. Schmid heads the Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) Service Core that provides consultative services for study design, data analysis, data management, results interpretation and report and manuscript assistance of both quantitative and qualitative data. Core members also give seminars and workshops about statistical methods and computational tools and support pilot and mentored research projects funded by Advance-CTR.
Christopher Schmid
Professor of Biostatistics
Alcohol Research Center on HIV (ARCH)
A multidisciplinary center grant focused on reducing the impact of alcohol on the breadth and depth of the HIV epidemic. Funded by NIAAA since September of 2010, the ARCH comprises 3 major research components in addition to an Administrative Core and Research Methods Core. Researchers across the School of Public Health, the Alpert Medical School, multiple public health research centers, and Brown’s affiliated hospitals collaborate on this project.
The Research Methods Core is co-directed by Drs Tao Liu (Biostatistics) and Tyler Wray (Behavioral and Social Sciences). The overarching goals of Research Methods Core are to provide faculty-level research collaboration for the center investigators, computing support for implementing data analyses, training modules and mentoring for early career researchers, and outreach to investigators with interest in expanding the scope of research on HIV and alcohol. The Core also will carry out original research on statistical methods and implementation sciences related to alcohol and HIV. Other faculty affiliated with the Core include Drs Stavroula Chrysanthopoulou (Co-I, Biostatistics) and Rani Elwy (Co-I, Psychiatry and Human Behavior).
Stavroula Chrysanthopoulou
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics, Director of the Master's Graduate Program in Biostatistics -
Tao Liu
Professor of Biostatistics
Center for Computational Biology of Human Disease (COBRE CBHD)
The COBRE center builds a collaborative community of clinical/preclinical researchers and computational methodologists to study the cause and potential treatment of human diseases. CSS faculty are involved in both the Computational Biology Core (Wu as co-director of the core) and as specific Project Leaders (Crawford, graduated former Project Leader; DeVito, current Project Leader). The Computational Biology Core supports both the Project Leaders directly funded by the COBRE and the Brown Biomed community (including affiliated hospitals) in computational issues related to omics data in human disease research. The Computational Biology Core organizes training workshops for omics data management and analysis.
Zhijin (Jean) Wu
Professor of Biostatistics, Director of the Doctoral Graduate Program in Biostatistics -
Lorin Crawford
Distinguished Senior Fellow in Biostatistics -
Roberta DeVito
Thomas J. and Alice M. Tisch Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Data Science
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group - American College of Radiology Network (CG)
The ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group is a multidisciplinary, membership-based scientific organization whose governance and operations revolve around three scientific programs that form the structure of its research activities: Cancer Control and Outcomes, Therapeutic Studies, and Biomarker Sciences. The organizational structure accommodates the Group’s stated purpose, which is to achieve research advances in all aspects of cancer care and thereby reduce the burden of cancer and improve the quality of life and survival in patients with cancer.
Constantine A. Gatsonis, Ph.D. serves as one of ECOG-ACRIN's Group Statisticians, with responsibility for medical imaging. Biostatistics faculty provide methodologic expertise and leadership to multi-center studies of imaging modalities across the spectrum of care for cancer and other chronic diseases. The Center for Statistical Sciences has hosted the Biostatistics Center of the American College of Radiology Imaging Network (ACRIN) since the formation of the network in 1999.
Constantine Gatsonis
Henry Ledyard Goddard Professor of Biostatistics, Director of the Center for Biostatistics and Health Data Science
Center for Nervous System Function (COBRE)
The COBRE Center for Central Nervous System Function is a part of the Carney Institute for Brain Science. The COBRE center focuses on studies of brain processes underlying purposeful human behavior, attention, decision making and action. The Center has two research cores. The Behavior and Neuroimaging Core provides expertise in the acquisition and processing of data. The Design and Analysis Core provides guidance and support in experimental design and data analysis, and leads methodology development for studying the brain functions. CSS faculty are affiliated with the COBRE both through the Design and Analysis Core (Wu, Crawford, Eloyan) and as Project Leader (Lee, De Vito). Their research includes methods for functional and effective connectivity in fMRI data, high-dimensional statistical inference, gene set and network analysis, with applications to neuroscience, computational biology, genomics, and Alzheimer’s disease research.
Lorin Crawford
Distinguished Senior Fellow in Biostatistics -
Ani Eloyan
Vice Chair of the Department of Biostatistics, Associate Professor of Biostatistics -
Youjin Lee
Manning Assistant Professorship of Biostatistics -
Zhijin (Jean) Wu
Professor of Biostatistics, Director of the Doctoral Graduate Program in Biostatistics