Brown University School of Public Health and in particular the Center for Gerontology and Healthcare Research (CGHR) have been at the forefront of understanding the healthcare needs of older adults, how healthcare systems for older adults function, and how best to utilize resources to provide optimal, high-quality care to older adults. Roee Gutman and many of his students have been collaborating with researchers at the CGHR to develop statistical method that can be used to evaluate policies and practice in order to improve quality of life for older adults.
Roee Gutman
Professor of Biostatistics
Innovative Approaches to Examine Post-Acute Care Outcomes of Older Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury
There is little information available on the predictors of long-term outcomes of older patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Without this information, clinical decision-making and discharge planning will continue to be limited, thereby preventing ideal patient-centered, cost-effective, and appropriate care for older patients with TBI. The objective of this application is to merge multiple sources of valuable data to examine predictors of meaningful outcomes, particularly functional and cognitive improvement and the ability to return home following post-acute (PAC) rehabilitative care, among older patients age 65+ years with TBI. The rationale that underlies this proposed research is that an understanding of predictors of improvement in physical and cognitive function, PAC therapies provided to patients, and subsequent healthcare utilization and outcomes could impact care for older patients with TBI.
Roee Gutman
Professor of Biostatistics
Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at Yale
The Yale OAIC will promote the functional independence of older Americans by increasing scientific knowledge related to multifactorial geriatric conditions, by advancing the science of clinical decision making in multimorbid older persons, and by educating and training early-stage investigators in aging research from a multifactorial perspective.
Roee Gutman
Professor of Biostatistics